Is BrainEv a religious or scientific product?

BrainEv is scientific. It is not spiritual or religious. 

The Brain Evolution System is built on over 75 years of brainwave entrainment research that reveals how the brain can be delivered safely into beneficial brainwave states, using sound to stimulate the auditory cortex, which then feeds into the limbic system and out through the brain's electrical activity itself.

We are not a spiritual or religious organization of any kind. Our quest is to offer products and support which promote the most cutting-edge personal advancement technologies available. These tools effect real, positive self-development and extend to improve performance in both your personal and professional life.

Matters of spirit are those of the beholder. We encourage and will support you on using BrainEv in your quest to find the greatest truths, regardless of your faith or spiritual persuasion.

Overall, it is our stance to provide these tools and support so that you can be free to grow in the beliefs and models that you've chosen.